Elvira line dance copperknob. Last Update: 22 Aug 2023. Elvira line dance copperknob

 Last Update: 22 Aug 2023Elvira line dance copperknob  Cute dance!Make 1/8 Turn Right stepping Left back (3

8 Touch left toe beside right foot. Stray Cat Strut. Elvira - The Oak Ridge Boys. 3&4 Bump hips right, left, right. ENDING: Dance 31 counts of Wall 7, finish the dance facing (12:00) by adding a ½ turn L on ball of L touching R next to L to finish (12:00). . Replace the knee pops with a hat tip! ADD SOME STYLE AND HAVE FUN!!!! For any questions feel free to reach out to me at brendan. HAVE FUN DANCING Indah & Bill. dk. Beginner / Intermediate Level Line dance, 32 count 1 wall. or doing a vine right stepping side, behind, side. I. BLACK COFFEE is a classic traditional line dance. 7-8 Turn ¼ turn left and touch right beside left. Copperknob - Elvira - Unknown. 4-5-6 ¼ turn L Step L to L side, Cross Rock R over L, Replace weight on L (6:00) Restart: During Wall 5, Restart on Count 42. 32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Music: Dance With Everybody - Nathan Carter. 1 Step forward on left, sweeping right forward. Line Dance stepsheet list for dances choreographed to Sari Abbott - Feels Like Home. 16 Count 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Ric Silver (USA) -. 7-8 Left hip bump forward once, hitch while making a ¼ turn to the left. Ending: Finish on count 32 facing back wall looking over left shoulder on same count. Line dance Step Sheets and Information, including teaching videos and articles. Elvira Line Dance And Walk-through. Start with weight on L foot. Here's a link to a demo & practice with music: (2018 Views) Dreaming Maggie Gallagher (UK) - October 2023. 64 count, 2 wall. 2023 25 JAN 2. 5, 6 Step LF to L side, Step RF next to LF. Intro: 16 Counts, Start at approx 13 secs. uk a resource listing line dances and line dance stepsheets for all skill levels. Finish dance on count 15 stepping R to R side facing 12:00. Muddy Boots Line Dancing · June 10, 2020 · June 10, 2020 ·PART A – 48 counts (counting the faster beat) SECTION 1: ROCK, RECOVER, STEP, HOLD, COASTER STEP, HOLD. Ramona Renea) - David Penn : (iTunes) RaMaiya Andrico Yusran (INA) - September 2023. 32 Count 4 Wall Absolute Beginner Line Dance - Julie Gillmore (UK) - June 2022. 24 Count 4 Wall Absolute Beginner Line Dance - Kelly Burkhardt (UK) - February 2014. Line Dance instructional videos - easy beginner. 1-2 Step right forward, step left forward. You will also complete this tag at the end of wall 8 (facing 12:00) to finish the dance. com. Line Dance stepsheet list for dances choreographed to Sari Abbott - Feels Like Home. Music: Elvira - The Oak Ridge Boys : (Album: Best Of) 16 count intro - Right Start. Confederate Hustle Bud Cranford (USA) & Connie Cranford (USA) 32 Count 4 Wall - Music: She Never Cried - Confederate Railroad. Choreographed for the ABSOLUTE BEGINNER. Slap Leather / Slappin’ Leather. NOTE: To finish the dance, you’ll be facing 3:00 right before you start the 4th 8-count [25-32]. SIDE SHUFFLE RIGHT, ROCK BACK LEFT, FORWARD RIGHT, SIDE SHUFFLE LEFT, ROCK BACK RIGHT, FORWARD LEFT. (1005 Views) Dance The Conga Helen Parkyn (UK) - November 2023. Country Roots Line Dance Club Based in Rhyl North Wales has made this walk-through and dance for the Beginners of the class. REPEAT DANCE. 3-4 Right hip bump back, right hip bump back. "Texas Cha Cha," choreographer unknown, a 16-ct. Finish the two cross rock side steps on count 28. 8 Left foot step back next to right foot. Duke – February 2019Music: "Chilly Cha Cha" by Jessica JayDance b. THREE STEPS FORWARD THEN TURN ¼ WITH CHUG. Contact: Submitted by Britt - britt@webnetmail. LINE DANCE " CRUISIN CHA " choreographed by Neil Hale , danced to " Playa Silencio " sung by Dave Sheriff. 2023 20 SEP 5. Rader, danced to " Island " sung by Eddie Raven, PLEASE VISIT OUR WESTERN DANCE VIDEO AND COUNTRY MU. dancer33 September 13, 2023. Meet the Silver Spurrs. En savoir plus Got It. 32 Count 1 Wall line/contra dance Line Dance - Unknown. . (Now you know) I’m like Chardonnay, get better over time. 56 111. 1-2-3-4 Cross R over L, Step L diagonally back, Step R to right, Step L forward. Music: Download: iTunes or Amazon (download the 2:53 version only!) Lead: 16 cts. Finish dance with your full turn on counts 37-38 stepping L fwd on count 38 to face 12:00 again -12:00. If you are interested in learning a certain dance just ask!14 November 2023. Stepsheets; Gallery; Whats On; Walk forward making ¼ turn to left on these steps (right-left-right); left foot kick forward/high five the person/persons in opposite line 5-8 Walk backward left, right, left, stomp right foot together LINE DANCE " ISLAND CHA CHA ", choreographed by Vicki E. My Sweet Caroline Vera Chan (INA) & Heru Tian (INA) - November 2023. 5-8 R cross over L , recover on L , R to side , L close beside R [ weight on L ] *Have Fun Everyone*. Stepsheets; Gallery;7-8 Step L together, hold. 32 Count 1 Wall line/contra dance Music: She Never Cried - Confederate Railroad. com. FORWARD TOUCH, FORWARD, TOUCH. into track. If you would like to learn all these dances you can find them on Vol 1 of Liz Collett’s very popular Line dancing DVD for seniors series. Cowboy Cha Cha. Contact: [email protected] - The Oak Ridge Boys. Just dance and enjoy. 20 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music. Change the heel bounces from a ½ turn left to only a ¼ turn left. TOE, HEEL, KICK & KICK & TOE, HEEL, TOUCH SIDE, ½ TURN. 2023 - R1. 14 Rock Back On Right Foot. 3&4 Shuffle forward right-left-right. The dance subsequently became overwhelmingly popular with Ballroom dancers and Line dance groups mainly in the Filipino line dance communities here & abroad to the “HELLO DOLLY MEDLEY”. Rader, danced to " Island " sung by Eddie Raven, PLEASE VISIT OUR WESTERN DANCE VIDEO AND COUNTRY MU. Vegas Dance Explosion is a yearly 6-day, 6-night event of line dance workshops, open dancing (dance parties!), and special shows put on by the instructors themselves. 32ct 4w beginner no Tags or restarts. Finish. 58 votes as of summer, 2023. Dolly Parton & Slash) - Chris Janson : (Amazon & iTunes) Intro: 16 counts from start of main beat (27 secs) NOTE: This dance is choreographed to the first 3 minutes 26 seconds of the track, where the vocals finish and the. VINE RIGHT, TOUCH, HEEL, HOOK, HEEL, HOOK. Restart: On wall 4 change count 16 (side rock) to: Step to right side, and restart from the beginning. Music:. 30 Pivot ½ turn right bringing weight forward on to right foot. Description: 40 count, 4 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance Music: Start dancing on lyrics. Ending: Dance ends on the front (end of 8th wall) on count 31. Elvira by The Oak Ridge Boys Man I feel like a Woman by. Then 1 step forward and hitch, 1 step foward and hitch. Music: Elvira by The Oak Ridge Boys. (Yeah, I’m goals) I was born like this, don’t even gotta try. Stepsheets; Gallery; Whats On; Line Dance zu dieser Musik Elvira Bob Thorton (USA) - February 2022 20 Count 4 Wand Beginner Musik: Elvira - The Oak Ridge Boys Line Dance stepsheet list for dances choreographed to The Oak Ridge Boys - Elvira. 24 Count 4 Wall Ultra Beginner Line Dance - Kelly Burkhardt (UK) BLACK COFFEE - LINE DANCEJump to 3:31 for a quick walk through. WALTZ BALANCE FORWARD, BACK, FORWARD, BACK. Hold: 16 - Start With Lyrics. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: If You Want My Love - Laura Bell Bundy. 8 Touch left toe beside right foot. FINAL: Start 4th section and after the first 4 counts do Right Stomp, Left Stomp. 00] Start Again! Ending: On the very last wall change the Sailor Step with a Sailor 1/4 Turn Left to bring you to the front Wall. I Close My Eyes (Ich Mach Meine Augen Zu - Rumba) by Nino De Angelo. 24 secs on main Vocals. 9. Start Again! Ending Wall 5 starts facing 12:00. 3&4 Turning ¼ right step R forward, step L together, step R forward (3 o’clock) 5-8 Rock L forward, recover weight on. MAJOR LINE DANCE ARCHIVES: copperknob. net. Elvira - The Oak Ridge Boys. 0 Comments. Wall 7: Dance to count 16 and Restart. 28 Bring left knee straight up into a hitch and chug forward on ball of right. The Owner and Instructor is Margaret. If you would like to learn all these dances you can find them on Vol 1 of Liz Collett’s very popular Line dancing DVD for seniors series. Though the music is rock-n-roll fast, we danced well because Niels made the dance steps very smooth and executable! Incidentally, in the same class, we also danced Niels' "She Cares" Two of his dances in one class. At the end of walls 1 & 3 (both times facing back wall) 1-2-3-4 Rock back right, drag left towards right, rock forward left, drag right towards left. Anthony Callea. co. 32 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Music: Dead Man's Hand -. Copperknob - Elvira - Unknown. 7&8 Step LF back, Step RF next to LF, Step LF forward. Step Fwd, Mambo Step, Coaster 1/4 Turn L, Step Pivot ½ R, Shuffle ½ R. 1-2& Step forward on right, Tap left toe next to right heel, Step slightly back on left. Last Update - 17 July 2023 - R1. . Elvira Gambarelli has choreographed 1 dance, which has been co-choreographed. Recover onto Right. 1Music: Toora Loora Lay - Celtic Thunder : (Amazon & iTunes) Intro: 8 counts. 32 Count 4 Wall Improver Music: Thicc - Black Caviar. Intro: 16 counts - No Tags or Restarts. 00) Start Again! *BRIDGE: On Wall 4 after 48 Counts/Section 6 (Heel Switches), repeat Section 6 (Heel Switches) and continue with the dance going into Section 7 (Grapevine Right). 6 Touch right toe beside left foot. 15 secs) Restart on Wall 5 after 32 counts. Last Update - 23 Mar. 64 Count 2 Wall Advanced - Funky Music: Thicc - Black Caviar. 29 Step left foot forward. Choreographer: Unknown. Happy Birthday Dave. 1,2,3,4 Step Right to right side, step Left behind, step Right to right, touch Left heel across Right. 3&4 Step R behind L, Step L to left, Cross R over L. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. 24. Bama Slam Tom Avinger (USA) - October 2011. Last wall is wall 14 starts facing 3:00 you dance up to count 15 the R side step facing 6:00 then cross L over R and do a slow ½ unwind over R shoulder to face 12:00. Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 131061. 32 Count 2 Wall Improver Line Dance - Jenny Rockett (UK) Count: 32 Wall: 4 Level: BeginnerChoreographer: Sioux Dance – October 2018Music: Ahe Tamoure (Tahiti Sway) - A La Carte This is a place for all of us to share dance videos and talk about where we like to go dancing. Robin Stjernberg) (Radio Edit) - Jill Johnson. 7 Step back on right foot. Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 138774. Music: The Last One to Know - Reba McEntire. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website and may be used for personalization of ads. or by Neil Hale. AB Wild Hearts Steve Cavanaugh (USA) - September 2021. X. 12 Rock forward on left foot and pivot ¼ to left side. Choreographer: Unknown. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner - Bachata Music: COBARDE - Sofía Reyes & Beéle. 32 Count 2 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Unknown - December 2016Learn the Boot Scootin' Boogie line dance. left foot kick forward/high five the person/persons in opposite line; 5-8. 24 count 2 wall absolute beginner waltz line dance choreographed by Mike Stringer (UK). Position: Lines facing each other, either as partners or facing the space opposite so that you can high five two people at the same time. And 5678 instructed by Shuanta Porter is a soul line dance. 4 Wall Line Dance, 24 Counts. Recently held from November 8-13, 2022 once again in the Westgate Hotel, Las Vegas. 32 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Laura Gordon (USA) - May 2023. 4 Rock left back. If you are interested in learning a certain dance just ask! 14 November 2023. Section 1: R BACK ROCK, ½ L, L BACK ROCK, FULL TURN/HITCH, PRESS, SWEEP, BEHIND SIDE CROSS 1-2a Rock back on R (1), recover on L (2), ½ L stepping back on R (a) (6:00)RESTARTS During the third and sixth sequence you will start the dance at 12:00. 40 Compte 2 Mur beginner/intermediate line/contra dance Musique: Elvira - The Oak Ridge Boys. Elvira Bob Thorton (USA) - February 2022. CopperKnob - Linedance Stepsheets. Qui est sur; Articles; Liens; Contactez; Elvira ( 1 Votes) Login ou Registre pour voteIntro : Start from the lyrics ‘We’re already past temptation…’ (Approx 0. Section 1 Walk Forward R L, Shuffle Forward, Rock Forward, Recover, Shuffle Back. Elvira Cha Cha Elvira Cha Cha Count: 32 Wall: 1 Level: Beginner / Contra Choreographer: Unknown - November 2011 Music: Elvira - The Oak Ridge Boys : (Album: Best Of) 16. Subscribe. Login; Register; CopperKnob Stepsheets 138774. co. 27 Step right to right side. T-Pain & That Girl Lay Lay) - Dillon Francis : (Album: Lego Movie 2 Soundtrack) Easy Sucker. (1) Restart Dance from Count 1 stepping forward on Left popping Right knee . Music: Eyes Closed - Ed Sheeran. 233 subscribers. IRE), Dustin Betts (USA) & Jean-Pierre Madge (CH) - April 2023Sexy Mona Lisa Niels Poulsen (DK) - March 2023. Smile!!Tutorial of Black Coffee choreographed by Helen O'Malley48 count, 4 wall, beginner level line danceMusic: Black Coffee by Lacy J DaltonBEGINNER LINE DANCE LESSON 67 - Waltz across Texas48 counts, 1 WallsChoreographed by Lois & John NielsonOur chosen music - Waltz across Texas by The Deanshtt. com. 32 Count 4 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Fred Whitehouse (IRE) & Shane McKeever (N. This dance adapts the fun Roaring Twenties Flapper Dance, the Charleston, into a great Country and Western Line Dance. It starts at 6:00. **Ending: On Wall 6, Dance 48 Counts and turn to the. I. This line dance is called Cowboy HustleIt's a 32 count, 4 wall dance and can be done to many different songs. Houston Hustle. 5 6 Rock forward on left, recover on to right. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Acapulco - Jason Derulo : (iTunes) I Can't Dance! Colin Ghys (BEL) & Ivonne Verhagen (NL) - January 2023. . Intro: 16 Counts, Start at approx 16 secs. GRAPEVINE RIGHT, TAP LEFT, GRAPEVINE LEFT TAP RIGHT. 133. 1-2 Rock forward on right, recover on left. 2. Stepsheets can be saved locally to allow for use when there is no internet connection available, with facilities to search for sheets based on the Title, Choreographer, Music or Any Category. AB Wild Hearts Steve Cavanaugh (USA) - September 2021. . GRAPEVINE RIGHT, HEEL CROSS TOUCH 3X. Line Dancing Links This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of links. 7-8 Left hip bump forward once, hitch while making a ¼ turn to the left. REPEAT. #32 Count intro. Dance to count 50 & turning ¼ left by stepping right to right side & drag left towards right. au. These Links below will open a PDF of the Step sheet for each Line Dance. 27&28 Shuffle forward right, left, right. Avg. Country in 3. SEC 1 Walk x3, Point, Back x3, Point. Dip or bend during on count one and four. Take the big step & slide on count 7 and at the same time say, Yeah!ENDING: Facing 6:00: step forward on Left, Pivot half turn right to face 12:00. *8 Count Intro on lyrics. Contact: [email protected] Count 4 Wall Improver Music: A Love Song For You - Rio Wang (汪睿) : (Album: Love is Sweet OST) Gonna Be You Jasmine Wang (MY), Christine Chiam (MY) & Jen Lim (MY) - November 2023. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner Line Dance - Wayne Beazley (AUS) - August 2023. 2:30 - 3:30. [email protected]&8 Step L back, Recover forward onto R, Step L to L. * Beginner Waltz Line DanceWoolshed Waltz 36 counts , 4 wallChoreographed by Kath MacManamon Elvira Unknown. . To view all your lists click on the "MY LISTS" option on the top black bar. CopperKnob - Elvira - Wayne Williams (CAN) - April 2023 Subject: Line Dance Stepsheet Created Date: 10/30/2023 8:47:23 AM. &1-2 Step R out (&), Step L out (1), Look over your L shoulder (2) 3-4 Roll your hips and shoulders (3-4) you end up with your weight on R. Duration: 3m 46s. Señorita La-La-La. 4&5 Step forward on right [1:30. 2023 24 MAY 10. [1-7] L back sweeping R, R behind L, ¼ turn L, ½ turn L, L behind R, R. 32 count 2 wallsCoreographed By Shirley K BatsonMusic:God Blessed Texas - Little TexasDanced By The Ladies From Marbodal & Holma 08-11-18Mildred Bailey) - Parov Stelar : (Album: Burning Spider) Tears Could Talk Salfoo (MY) - November 2023. 11 Rock back on right foot. [1 - 8] R CROSS. 32 Count 4 Wall Absolute Beginner Line Dance - Lu Olsen (AUS) - February 2021. RIGHT TOGETHER, RIGHT TOGETHER. . This dance is the first known choreographed line dance. 110. 64 Count 2 Wall Improver Line Dance - Karl-Harry Winson (UK) - July. 2023 6 SEP 2 17 SEP '23 50. Begin Again! 2022 5 OCT 3 18 OCT '22 100. 5-8 Step on RF body roll to the left (weight ends on left) EASY OPTION 5-8 Point RF to side, drag out-in. Genre: Country. Intro: 32 counts from first beat in music. 32 Count 2 Wall High Improver Line Dance - Bill Baron (USA) & Indahwati Rahardja (INA) -. Last Update - 8th Oct 2016. 1 Pages Total. Slap Leather / Slappin’ Leather. Step, Sweep/Touch, Cross, ¼ L, Together, Step, ½ Turn R, Back Lock Step. 3&4 Make ½ turn L stepping forward on L, step R next to L, step forward on L [3:00] 5,6 Step forward on R, make ½ turn L (weight on L) [9:00] 7,8 Make ½ turn L stepping back on R, make ½ turn L stepping forward on L. I Don't Care What You Say. (DE) - Juni 2023. Level: Absolute Beginner20 Counts, 4 Walls, 0 Bridges, 0 RestartChoreographie: UnbekanntMusik: "Elvira" The Oak Ridge BoysDir hat dieses Video gefallen?Dann. Turning Gradually in an Arc 3/8 Turn L on These Steps. 5-6 Bump hips left, right. Note: NO TAGS – NO RESTARTS! [1 – 8] R diagonal stomp, L swivels, L diagonal stomp, R swivels, K-step with claps. C. 64 Count 2 Wall Easy Intermediate Line Dance - Denisse Delgado (MEX) - June 2020. 4 walls, 32 countsRestart on wall 3 after 8 countsChoreographed by Pat StottChoreographed Music - Codigo by George StraitDance Script - to count 16, make ¼ turn left to restart the dance facing 3:00. 1 Pages Total. CopperKnob - Elvira - Bob Thorton (USA) - February 2022 Subject: Line Dance Stepsheet Created Date: 11/23/2023 6:48:24 AM. Variation: you can do a rolling vine to the right and one to the left with a clap on beats 4 & 8. Enjoy. REPEAT. Here you can create, delete and edit the lists. CopperKnob - Come Dance With Me - Jo Thompson Szymanski (USA)Maggie Gallagher (UK) & Gary O'Reilly (IRE) - March 2023. 5-6 Step forward on R, Pivot ½ turn L, recover onto L (6 o’clock) 7-8 Step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn L, recover onto L (3 o’clock) This dance can also be done as a 1 wall, instead of pivot ½ pivot ¼ on section 4 do 2 ½ pivots. Walk or jump for 4 counts over your right shoulder from 6:00 to the 12:00, continue dance starting from count 33 until end of song. Start with weight on L Note: 3 Restarts with Tag, Walls 2 and 5 after 16 counts and Wall 8 after 8 counts [1 – 8] Diag Rock Fwd, Rec, Behind Side Cross, Diag Step, Swivels, Hitch, Behind, ⅜ Turn, Fwd 1 – 2 Rock R fwd to R diagonal pushing hips. 1&2 Step R back, step L beside R, step R fwd as you sweep L from back to front. Ending: Following the last 3 step turn at the end of the song, step L across R and hold with arms out. So the giant list of popular line dances starts with two songs from LunchMoney Lewis! This. Intermediate. . Counts Step Description. 7-8 Bump hips left, hitch right knee. 64 Count 2 Wall Intermediate Line Dance - Gaye Teather (UK) - January 2008. Text summary of the move: This line dancing step starts with a “grapevine” step to the right (side, behind and side) with a “hitch” (knee up) at the end. com Last Update: 6 Oct 2023. 146K views 9 years ago. 5,6 Rock fwd R heel, fan R toes left to right. &-1-2 Ball step slightly out on R, Step L fwd to L diagonal, Step R fwd/down and flick L heel up. uk a resource listing line dances and line dance stepsheets for all skill levels. Cheater's Waltz - Line Dance Lesson36 count - 1 wall - Beginner Level Line DanceMusic: "Last Cheater's Waltz" by T. Helaine43@gmail. These Step sheets will help you learn a particular Line Dance you want to dance. Count in: 32 (start on lyrics) NOTES: This is a split for the fab improver dance called Ride Away by Robbie McGowan Hickie. The Extra Charts are based on Age of Dance and on Voters’ profiles. 3. Bill at [email protected] welcome all dancers of all skill levels. IRE) - September 2022. Login; Register;. SEC 1: Sway, Sway, Twinkle, ¾ Twinkle, 3/4 Spiral, ⅛ Step Sweep, Forward Coaster, Back Kick. & 1 - 2 Close R next to L (&), Step L forward (1), Step R forward. [1-8] Grapevine Right touch, Point out, in , out, In. One Good Reason. Line Dancing. 2 Scuff right heel forward. Stepsheets; Gallery; Whats On; Articles; Links; Contact Us; Elvira. CopperKnob - Elvira - Kitty Russell (USA) - August 2018 Subject: Line Dance Stepsheet Created Date: 11/4/2023 12:26:31 PM. LEFT TOGETHER, LEFT TOGETHER. uk is the website recognized as the repository for official step sheets for line dancing. Recently Added Line Dance Stepsheets. Registre; CopperKnob Stepsheets 132008. N. 2. November Schedule - 2023. Last Update: 19 Jul 2023. Counts Step Description. - 6:00. 7, 8 Step R fwd, ½ L taking weight L. 3-4 Step back on right, hold. Save Popup Window. Line Dances To This Music. 7-8 Step forward right, pivot ¼ turn left shifting weight to left. View / Add Comments. GOTTA BE ME. Do the steps below then begin from the top of the dance. Reach L to left side as you isolate upper body right bringing R arm up like riding a motorbike at shoulder level [3. Sholes (USA) - June 2023The Electric Slide and Evira are almost the same dance, here you can learn the steps to both. Music Available: Amazon. Choreographed by: Darren Mitchell (June 2017)32 count - 4 wall - Easy Intermediate level line danceMusic: "Lonely Drum" by Aaron Goodvin Jeanette HALL & Tonya MILLER - October 1995. 27 Step right to right side. Cross Right over Left and unwind 1/2 turn Left to finish facing 12. Wait 16 Counts - Start With Lyrics. Opt. Elvira. 32 Compte 1 Mur Beginner / Contra Musique: Elvira - The Oak Ridge Boys : (Album: Best Of) Sweet Revenge Kathy Nate. More like this. Choreography: V. At the time of this writing, the Copperknob website has 124,895 line dance step sheets! That means it is closing in. Glad U Came (de) Sonny V. net. simoens@gmail. Start with weight on L foot. 16 Count 4 Wall Beginner Music: Elvira - The Oak Ridge Boys : (Album: Best of) The Outlaw Suzanne Wilson (USA) - May 2010 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner / Improver Music: Whiskey Drinkin' S. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Ending: Music ends During Wall 6…Dance to Count 31 (Monterey)…Left toe is pointing Left, and HOLD. 2-3 ⅛ right cross rocking right behind left popping left knee facing [1:30], Recover on left. Line dance Step Sheets and Information, including teaching videos and articles. . co. Restart at wall 2 after the 6th section Restart at wall 5 after the 4th section During the dance when you ear the lyrics “ And when the world got me going crazy “ Put your hands on the head and turn the head Final : make a pivot with ½ turn to the L to point your fingers on the word “ YOU “ Last Update: 18 May 2023Elvira 拍數: 32 牆數: 1 級數: line/contra dance 編舞者: Unknown 音樂: She Never Cried - Confederate Railroad Position: Lines facing each other, either as partners or facing the space opposite so that you can high five two people at the same time RIGHT SHUFFLE SIDE; ROCK STEPEnding: The last wall begins facing the back, dance the first 14 counts then instead of stepping forward L on count 7 make a further 1/4 turn right stepping L to left side, then step R to right side on count 8 taking hands up…ta-da! 64 Count 4 Wall Beginner / Improver Line Dance - Rachael McEnaney (USA) - April 2019. 2. Dennisedelgado97@gmail.